Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!!

We had a very Easter filled week!
Thursday we went to an easter egg hunt at DMU- They have crafts and snacks and games and then the Easter Bunny comes to visit! Chase didn't want anything to do with the Easter bunny but Ethan wanted to sit with him so bad, then followed him around and laughed at everything he did, it was funny to watch. Hailey didn't know what was behind her while sitting on his lap, she was just happy her brothers were making silly faces at her :)
Saturday we had a Branch BBQ and Easter egg hunt at our Stake Presidents house- I wish I had gotten more pictures of their property, it is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. They have a huge pond/small lake on their property with 2 paddle boats, and the kids can fish for blue gill and catch frogs, they have a tree house with a big slide coming out of it, playground equipment, a trampoline, a garden, fire pits, picnic tables, a barn...basically anything you want to do outside you can do there. President Pence used to be our Branch President so he lets us go use his house/property whenever we want, they are amazing people. Sorry I got sidetracked...
Here are some pictures at the BBQ:

And finally we got a visit from the Easter bunny! He filled our baskets with candy and hid the eggs we decorated, he's going to have to be a little trickier next year because the boys found the eggs pretty quick.

Hope you all had a great Easter! We tried to focus on the real reason for Easter this year, and helped the boys understand it was really about Christ's ressurection and atonement. There is a video on the Mormon Messages YouTube page called He Is Risen that depicts Christ's last few days on earth, it really strengthened my testimony and made me sincerely grateful for my Savior's sacrifice for me. Happy Easter!!

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