So we bought a new table and chairs off Craigslist for a steal of a deal, the last one we had was nice but huge, and since we moved into our new place there is not as much room in the dining area. We looked at the pictures online and it looked great, and the guy even offered to deliver it. When he brought it we just took a quick glance at it in his truck and told him we would take it. It's in great condition except for a burn mark on top, and they wanted to get rid of it. So we loaded it into our living room, paid the guy, and he was off. About a half hour later, we noticed a distinct, very potent smell being emitted from the set...smoke. Ug. We forgot to ask if they smoked, and it was a very strong smell. We were so disappointed, I loved it! So we tried a few things to get the smell out. It worked pretty well on the wood, but the chairs were upholstered so we knew it was all the way in the cushions. Long story short, we bought new foam and fabric and reupholstered them but it has taken until just yesterday to finish. But they look great, no more smoke smell, and I feel like I have a brand new table set!
If anyone has any ideas on how to get a burn mark out of the table top, it's pretty deep and my solution right now is to cover it up with place mats :)
Now to get the old table sold...
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