Monday, September 13, 2010

Blackmail for Later

I was going through pictures of my dorky kids and realized I have some really good material for blackmail later on in life. They have been particularly funny lately and I have had the good fortune to catch it on camera! They're young enough that they won't care if I post these...right?

Classic bath pictures!

Chase in a swim diaper-- these were actually in Alaska before we left.

Look at Ethan's ribs- you can count them! I promise this kid eats!

Haha a neighbor gave us this swim outfit for Ethan because it was too small for his little boy. Lets just say neither Eric or I wanted to been seen with Ethan at the pool with it so I threw it in the trash. Chase dug it out and insisted on wearing it 2 days in a row...until I disposed of it properly.
(We actually did try it out one time, but it kept flipping Ethan over on his back and his head would go underwater. We'll stick with water wings.)

Potty training Ethan! He was so miserable for a little while I had to take a picture. What a mean mom.

Chase's see-food. Reminds me of countless pictures of a certain unnamed aunt---- KATIE!

These aren't so much embarrassing as dangerous-- I came in to the living room to find Ethan telling Chase to jump to him. "I'll catch you!" Scared me but they were pretty good at it.


  1. Those are all pretty great pictures, but I've gotta say, I think the one of Ethan in misery on the potty is definitely the best! I'm sure he will LOVE that one later on!

  2. Hey Jess! Glad to see things are off to a good start in Iowa!! I realized I don't have your email address anymore...Can you please send it to me so I can write to you? (
    lots of love!!

  3. I was thinking about you and thought, she hasn't posted in FOREVER. Then I realized that you changed blog addresses. I am an idiot!! THEN I realized she still hasn't posted in forever! HAHHA

    I love ya. Miss you guys.

  4. Hillarious! How are you guys?? I can't believe we haven't seen you yet and your so so close. We're moving to Illinois in June so it'll be pretty crazy till then but we NEED to get together! Hope school is going well and things are great for you and and your cute boys!
