Friday, September 3, 2010

White Coat

Eric had his official White Coat Ceremony last weekend! Basically they give the medical students their white coats, make some inspirational speeches, and have them sign the Honor Code. But it was fun and helped us be able to participate in Eric's school a little more, and the boys did really well! Congrats Eric you look like a real doctor! Now all you have to do is complete four more years of school.... :)

The boys being really good! I brought lots of snacks :)

Walking across the stage
Signing the Honor Code

So proud of him!Studly (almost) Doctor :)
These are all the guys in his carpool, all in our Branch and all 1st year DPMs. I think they have a little too much fun on the rides to and from school.


  1. Congrats Eric! Good luck on the journey :). That is so cool. And oh my goodness Chase looks so much like you Jess! Just like the little shyster I used to babysit LOL.

  2. Eric looks great in white! :) How exciting!

  3. Awesome Eric! You will do great! Jessica it was so good to see all of your updates! The bugs would TOTALLY freak me out, we have a hobo problem in ours and I HATE it! The boys are so big now and so cute. I am so glad the move went well!

  4. Ola meu amigo fico muito feliz de encontrar o blog da sua familia, e saber que vc está casado com dois filhos e sera um medico, sei que como abençou minha vida ira abençoar a vida de muitas pessoas, Eu sou o Marcos de São Paulo Ala vila medeiros lembra?
    Meu email é, gostaria muito de me corresponder com vc.
    Oro sempre para o senhor abençoar seu caminho e sua familia meu amigo

    Te amo

    Marcos Andrade

  5. A esqueci de lembrar vc me batizou
